Author: chainlink

What Contributes to Bad Credit? While many factors contribute to the definition of ‘bad credit’, the most important factor comes from your financial past. Ask yourself: Has your business previously had difficulties paying back loans? Do you have a large outstanding balance on your credit cards? Do...

According to the National Retail Federation, 2016 shopping trends have proven that online browsing begins as early as October. What does this mean for you? It means you should ensure that by now your business is fully prepared with a strategy, trends, and inventory! But...

Are you looking to upgrade your phone technology to the latest and greatest but not sure how you can afford it? Consider leasing your VoIP phone equipment. This provides a cost-effective payment structure allowing you to free up working capital for other business initiatives. The Importance...

The technology behind the dental industry is advancing each and every day, reaching heights that many dentists couldn't even fathom years ago. But no matter the age of your practice, it’s important to stay competitive by investing in innovative technologies. While you may already see the...